Infertility and Hormone Imbalance

Hormone ImbalanceHormone imbalance can play a key role in a woman’s inability to become pregnant. There are several hormonal issues that can cause problems – however, there are also several treatments that could help. Here is some information on some of the most common issues and the methods used to treat them.

Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

This is a form of hormonal imbalance also known as “hypo/hypo.” It reduces the amount of hormones produced by the brain, and as a result, the ovaries remain quiet. If a woman wants to conceive, one potential treatment would be ovulation induction. But if a woman does not wish to conceive, it will still be necessary for hormone replacement to be performed to restore proper estrogen levels and help ensure bone health.

Premature Ovarian Failure

Another name for this condition is “premature menopause.” This occurs when a woman’s menstrual cycles stop prior to the typical age of menopause, which is between 50-55 years old. We will assess the underlying reason for this condition and possibly recommend the use of a donor egg in order to provide the best chance of success for a woman seeking to become pregnant. As with hypo/hypo, however, even if a woman does not plan on conceiving, hormone replacement will still be needed in order to ensure proper levels of estrogen.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is the most common cause of hormone imbalance. Symptoms often include increased growth of hair, infertility and irregular menstrual cycles. In some instances, there is a complete lack of any cycling. The condition has been linked to obesity and could also present an increased risk of developing diabetes. In some instances the problem can be treated through weight loss. In others, ovulation-inducing medications may be used. Women with PCOS can still have a good chance of getting pregnant with the proper fertility treatment.

Please contact the DFW Center for Fertility & IVF if you have a hormonal imbalance issue so that our Dallas-area experts can help you determine the right course of treatment. Contact us online or call 469-854-0305.