Fertility Treatments

Infertility Specialist in Allen, TX

Not all women that undergo fertility testing at DFW Center for Fertility & IVF will need some sort of infertility treatment in the Allen, TX, clinic. In some cases, Dr. Beshay will simply provide infertility counseling, instructions on predicting ovulation, as well as recommendations for specific lifestyle changes. These steps may be all that is needed to attempt a pregnancy trial naturally. If infertility treatment is recommended, however, the procedure or procedures suggested will be unique to your specific condition and may be medical or surgical in nature.

Ovulation Induction

ovulation tracking fertility treatmentWomen who do not ovulate regularly because of conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (hypo/hypo) may benefit from medications that would induce ovulation again. Infertility medications include Clomid, an oral tablet, or gonadotropin injections. Ovulation is monitored closely, and women can then attempt intercourse at the most optimal time for fertilization. In some cases, Dr. Beshay may also recommend intrauterine insemination in addition to ovulation induction.

Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination refers to obtaining husband or donor sperm, washing the sperm to clean away other contents within the semen while concentrating sperm in a small amount of media. This procedure is best performed at the time of ovulation, and its timing will be determined by Dr. Beshay to help maximize your chance of a successful outcome.

In a procedure very similar to obtaining your annual PAP smear, the washed sperm is placed in a tiny catheter that is passed into the uterine cavity to deposit the sperm. Fertility patients are allowed to resume normal daily activities.

Surgical Fertility Options

successful fertility treatment familySurgical treatment is usually reserved to problems such as:

Most surgical interventions are attempted in the least invasive manner possible to allow a speedier recovery and less post-operative discomfort.


Endometriosis is the presence of endometrial tissue (uterine lining tissue) outside the uterus on the inner surfaces of the abdomen and pelvis. Many patients with endometriosis complain of excessive pelvic pain with their cycle and/or pelvic pain outside the menstrual cycle. Pain is dependent on the location of the endometriosis more so than the spread or severity of the disease.

In certain cases of endometriosis, pregnancy chances may improve with surgical intervention. Laparoscopy, where is a small camera is placed into the abdominal cavity to evaluate as well as treat endometriosis lesions can be performed. In most cases you should expect to go home the same day as this is considered day surgery. Post-operative recovery is also shorter and pain is reduced with laparoscopy as the skin incisions are very small.

Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign muscle tumors of the uterus. The can disfigure the uterus and cause excessive bleeding, pain and may affect fertility depending on their number, size and location. If uterine fibroids are too big or affect the uterine cavity, their removal has a positive impact on your fertility and pregnancy chances.

Surgical removal of fibroids may also be needed ahead of other fertility treatment to maximize your chances of conception. In many cases, fibroid surgery can also be performed as day surgery with tiny skin incisions. Dr. Beshay will counsel you if your fibroids require surgical intervention.

Endometrial (Uterine Cavity) Polyps

Endometrial polyps are areas of overgrowth of the endometrial lining. The majority of these polyps are benign and their most common side effect is excessive bleeding or spotting in between your menstrual cycles. Endometrial polyps have been shown to reduce pregnancy chances so, if found during your evaluation, it is best to address them.

Hysteroscopy, where a small camera is placed into the uterine cavity, is the best approach for removing endometrial polyps. This procedure does not require skin incisions and offers extremely quick recovery sometimes as short as 24 hours, allowing infertility patients to return to normal activities quickly.

Tubal Disorders

tubal ligation infertility Tubal blockage may be the effect of endometriosis, prior abdominal/pelvic surgery or prior abdominal/pelvic infection. Tubal blockage can be approached using laparoscopy. If scarring is blocking your fallopian tubes, scar tissue can be reopened to allow you to try to conceive. Pregnancy chances and outcome will depend on the condition of your tubes before and after repair.

Tubal Litigation Reversal

Many patients at our Allen fertility clinic decide they want to conceive again after they have had a tubal ligation. Tubal reversal surgery may provide women with the option to conceive naturally. Specialist in reproductive medicine, Dr. Victor Beshay will discuss whether you are a candidate for tubal reversal. This will depend on your fertility status as well as type of tubal ligation you had undergone.

In Vitro Fertilization

In cases where women do not desire tubal reversal or if tubal reversal is not an option, in vitro fertilization (IVF) can be considered as an alternative. IVF bypasses the tubes and its success is not dependent on the tubes at all. As with the other surgical interventions, the approach to tubal reversal is through small incisions. Your IVF team identifies the blocked tubal ends and removes the scarred/blocked areas to provide fresh edges that can be reattached. This is done under high magnification with the use of very fine sutures.

You tubes will be assessed and tested throughout the procedure to ensure that they are open, passing dye through from one end to the other. Pregnancy can be attempted immediately after post-operative recovery. Success rates are dependent on many factors and your chances will be discussed with you prior to proceeding with surgical fertility treatment.

Contact our Allen fertility clinic online to set up infertility treatments and possible surgical or nonsurgical treatments. Dr. Beshay and his team are ready to provide compassionate, advanced fertility expertise to support your desire to start a family.